
  • Cancellation Before Dispatch
If you wish to cancel your order, please send an email to with your order details (order number, name, and reason for cancellation) before your order is dispatched. Once we receive your request, we will process the cancellation as quickly as possible and notify you of the status.
  • Cancellation After Dispatch
Once your order has been dispatched and is in transit, it cannot be cancelled. We are unable to cancel or alter orders that have already been shipped.
  • Refund Process
If your order is successfully cancelled before dispatch, a full refund will be issued to the original payment method.
  • Important Note
To ensure that your cancellation request is processed promptly, please make sure to reach out to us as soon as possible after placing your order. Orders that have already entered the shipping process cannot be canceled.

    If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our customer support team at

    Thank you for your understanding and for shopping with us!